Practice Exercise for Subject Verb Agreement

Practice Exercise for Subject Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental concept in the English language that describes the grammatical agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. This concept might seem simple, but mastering it requires ample practice. In this article, we will explore some practice exercises for subject-verb agreement that will help you hone this vital skill.

Exercise 1

Identify the correct verb in the following sentence:

The herd of horses (is/are) grazing in the field.


The correct verb in this sentence is “is,” as we are referring to the singular herd, not the plural horses.

Exercise 2

Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject in the following sentences.

a) The trio of musicians (was/were) performing at the concert.

b) The group of friends (enjoys/enjoy) playing soccer.

c) Each of the students (has/have) a unique talent.


a) The correct verb form is “was” as we are talking about a singular group, not the individual musicians, here.

b) The correct verb form in this sentence is “enjoys” as “the group” is a singular noun.

c) The correct verb form is “has” as we are talking about individual students, not the group.

Exercise 3

Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject in the following sentences.

a) The news (is/are) shocking.

b) Mathematics (is/are) a fascinating subject.

c) The number of applications (is/are) overwhelming.


a) The correct verb form is “is,” as we are referring to the singular word “news.”

b) The correct verb form is “is,” as we are talking about a singular subject, “Mathematics.”

c) The correct verb form is “is” as we are referring to the singular number of applications.

Exercise 4

Identify the verb that agrees with the subject in the following sentences.

a) The cat, along with her kittens, (was/were) sleeping in the basket.

b) The teacher, as well as the students, (is/are) excited for the field trip.


a) The correct verb is “was” as the singular subject, “the cat,” is the primary focus of this sentence.

b) The correct verb is “is” as the subject “teacher” is singular. Even though the phrase “as well as the students” is included, it doesn`t change the singular subject.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a critical aspect of English grammar that requires ample practice to master. By doing these exercises, you can identify and rectify mistakes related to subject-verb agreement quickly. Remember that practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills by doing more exercises and seeking feedback from experienced editors.

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